We'd love to hear from you!
If you would like more information about our company and products, please contact us. We will be happy to help!
Your Contact Persons
Dienko Vegter
Sales manager Fats, Proteins and Oils
Specialization: pet food, technical markets, compound & animal feed
Max Ten Kate
Sales manager Fats and Oils for Food
Specialization: packed vegetable and animal fats for food, mechanically deboned meat
Group Companies
Ten Kate has production companies in the Netherlands and Germany with sufficient capacity to process large quantities of by-product from slaughtered animals. The processing of products for food and for animal feed is strictly separated and occurs at different locations.
Ten Kate Holding BV
Sluisstraat 56
Postbus 16
9580 AA Musselkanaal | The Netherlands
Ten Kate GmbH & Co KG
Industriestraรe 13
Postfach 1549
49747 Sรถgel | Germany
Ten Kate Holding BV
Sluisstraat 56
Postbus 16
9580 AA Musselkanaal | The Netherlands
Ten Kate GmbH & Co KG
Industriestraรe 13
Postfach 1549
49747 Sรถgel | Germany
10Kate Laboratories
Sluisstraat 56
Postbus 16
9581 JC Musselkanaal |
The Netherlands